Thursday 25 June 2015

Wouldn’t it be just great, Richard Branson, if you could replace the airplanes of your Virgin-fleet with some other type of vessel which can please your customers accordingly (or better), and which does not pollute? It’s technically feasible. I'm going to explain and show what it technically is about. But first, let’s look at it from a customer's point of view.

  • This new type of transport vessel can take people (or cargo) from Britain to Brazil in 60 hours (2½ days), or from Bergen to Boston in 48 hours (2 days).
  • Being on board feels like being on land. The vessel moves so steady that the passengers are undisturbed: They will experience no noticable accelerations or g-forces, no equivalents to air-sickness or sea-sickness, and no unpleasant changes in air pressure.
  • While on board, passengers have plenty of room to romp on. This room can be divided, designed, and furnished to give the passengers just the kind of experience that you want them to have. Richard, you are so good at this, and there’s probably nothing that I can teach you in this respect. But just to give you an idea of the possibilities, let me mention some examples: The passenger space inside the craft can be built like a spa hotel, a city shopping mall, a sports hall or an office and conference facility. Apart from that, the passengers will of course have their own cabin, to where they can retreat to relax and rest.

    Does this appear to be like a cruise ship, do you think, Richard? That’s a funny coincidence. Just as I'm writing this blog, I get the news that you have announced to «shake things up» in the cruise industry, by starting your own cruise liner business, with your first cruise ship based in Miami, Florida. Well, this new concept of travel that I’m talking about, has the potential to disrupt both the airline business and the cruise business. So, you should be interested. (It’s not a cruise ship. As I stated in the first bullet point, it moves way faster than that. And it doesn’t pollute.)
  • Passengers can bring their car, caravan or mobile home with them, just like on a ferry.
  • All baggage is treated as hand-baggage. No checking in baggage prior to travel required.
  • The craft is far less vulnerable to terrorist attacks and sabotage than an airplane. The vessel can not be used as a terrorist tool to attack external targets, like an airplane. The level of security required, is considered to be the same as in a city center or a public sports arena. Extensive security examinations (as currently, at airports) before boarding are therefore not required to the same extent.
So: From a customer’s point of view, the main difference with this concept, compared with an airline, is that the voyages can be so very much more comfortable, relaxing, eventful and pleasant. Though the time it takes to travel, is about twice or three times the time span of an equally long flight, it can be made quality time. And I trust that you, Mr. Richard Branson, can make it premium quality time to your customers.

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