Sunday 31 May 2015

Dear sir Richard Branson!

Your Virgin Earth Challenge ( is a bold one: A reward of $25 million to whoever can demonstrate a commercially viable way of removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Mother Earth pictured with Richard Branson (left) and Al Gore (right)

The answer to such a bold challenge, is a bold one too.

Me and my brain, we think we can contribute. So here we go: Our suggestion to answering your very big question «How to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere?» is, most humbly, that the question itself may be wrong, and that the most viable (and perhaps commercial) way to meet the challenge, is to slightly alter the question first. Let’s be pragmatic and start by making it a bit less ambitious on behalf of the climate (I'm sorry. But less ambitious, more realistic is better than no ambitions and no realism at all), and far more challenging for the fossil fuel dependent corporations of the world (Including yours — no offence!):

How can we ensure that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will not increase?

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